Mon 17th Feb 9pm GMT/1pm PST – Meditation & Healing Journey Online




Mon 17th February

9pm GMT | 10pm CET | 1pm PST | 4pm EST

An online meditative & distance healing experience with Yvonne Skelly

We have been building these sessions slowly, previous ones have had people from Canada, USA, Azores, England, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Germany, France, Sweden etc joining us. Yvonne feels it is weaving light in all these places as we meditate together, so whilst we each receive, it is also raising the energies of earth too! Such beautiful work, both giving and receiving!
Yvonne continues to offer it on a donation basis, with no obligation to donate unless you feel to.  Suggested donation €15, however it is open to all regardless of donation.
Hosted Via Zoom, 45 mins in duration.  Log in, sit back, relax and receive.

Zoom sign in:

Topic: Meditation & Distance Healing
Time: Feb 17, 2025 09:00 PM Dublin
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 874 3433 5538
Passcode: faith

What people say:

“Even with my devotion to spiritual healing and holding space for men, women & children to come heal together, I overlooked online meditation due to skepticism.  Even though I live & breath my connection to the divine & teach it, I hesitated to engage in online meditations.  My first experience of it was with Yvonne yesterday & my whole solar plexus beamed yellow, I was floating in a cloud of yellow love light, I saw sacred geometric shapes through her guided meditations which reaffirmed to me that the quantum field knows no bounds. Take the time in the comfort of your own home & space to participate in Yvonne’s spiritually transformative meditations 🩵🦋” E, California

“Yvonne is a gifted communicator and a person with an innate ability to channel messaging that is good for the soul. For anyone who can’t attend Yvonne in person, I would highly recommend her online meditations as a wonderful and enriching experience” D, Ireland

“Wow, I loved that. I had a great night’s sleep afterwards. You are truly gifted.” K, Ireland

“At these times of profound shifts on the planet, Yvonne’s meditations bring both peace and expansion. She carries a masterful energy and a sacred light” D, Canada