Siobhan works online and on-Site in Person

Siobhan Daffy

Other Services

  • Classcial Homeopath LBSH ISHom
  • Kinesiology Dip kin
  • Emotional clearing & healing
  • Specialising in women’s health – hormonal wellbeing, PMT, anxiety, low motivation, post-natal, perimenopause, menopause
  • Talks, workshops & events – women’s health, emotional wellbeing
  • Author, poet, creative arts facilitator with sound, rhythm, poetry.

I’ve been working in the holistic health field for 25 years now, I’m still enjoying it and still learning. I love seeing my clients thrive. My one to one practice specialises in women's emotional, mental and physical health. I love supporting people to shed emotional baggage and to find balance and joy in their lives. Women's bodies are continually changing and adapting, sometimes we lose our dynamism and we need support to get back on track. I also work with teenage girls for emotional and physical support during puberty and beyond. 

Common issues I work with include:

  • Fatigue, low motivation, sleep issues

  • Digestive problems, gut health, vaginal health, 

  • Nervous system & brain (concentration/memory/cognition) health

  • Emotional wellbeing, mood flux, anxiety, fear, grief & low confidence

  • Low libido, hormonal flux, body image

  • Menstrual issues & irregularities, PMT, painful periods

  • Peri-menopause and menopause related issues - incl. hot flushes/ sweats, insomnia, confidence, energy & mood.

  • Stress, overwhelm, burn out. 

Siobhán Daffy LicBSH IHSOM trained in Classical Homeopathy 1999-2002 and is registered with the national body since 2005. 

In 2019-22 she completed a Diploma in Kinesiology including nutritional physiology, emotional stress release & emotional wellness. 

Siobhán is also an author, poet and creative arts facilitator. Her children’s novel No Ordinary Joe, was published August 2021 with Little Island Books. Her poetry & music CD Horses Hooves is available on BandCamp. 

Siobhán runs regular online and in-person talks and workshops. She brings her creativity to every event using music, art, poetry and creative writing as mediums of expression. Siobhán is an insightful therapist and educator passionate about mind-body wellbeing.

What people are saying:

Since starting sessions with Siobhán I feel a new lease of life and am stronger both physically and emotionally. My anxieties have considerably lessened and I am facing challenges and life with positivity and a new found confidence while enjoying the benefits of my health, head and heart in a better place. I had never tried this kind of holistic therapy before and so glad I signed up to it, a truly worthwhile investment in myself. - Gillian Gibbs Dublin 

Siobhán is wonderful to work with! She listens with such empathy and understanding.Towards the end of last year I was feeling exhausted, and was struggling with emotional and hormonal mood swings. What I needed was to focus on me, and to work on balancing myself.I've been working with Siobhán over the last few months and have really felt the benefit of both the conversation and the remedys. I am much calmer, wake with more energy and am better able to deal with family life and all that entails. Siobhán gets it, and I so look forward to our online meetings every few weeks! - Ceara Mc Manus, Kilcoole Wicklow

The health and wellbeing benefits I have received from attending sessions with Siobhan have improved the quality of my life so much more than I ever dreamed could be possible! - Clodagh Prendergast, Dublin

Siobhán’s understanding of women’s health helped to put our audience at ease and created a relaxed atmosphere, where concerns and experiences could be discussed freely. - Catherine Madders, Tallaght library 

Siobhan presented an informative, interesting and engaging talk on the subject of natural well-being during menopause at Lucan Library. - Maeve Murphy, staff member Lucan

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